...and the rumours prove true. Mac has introduced the Mac mini, a low cost ($499) Mac designed expressly to replace your PC. It doesn't come with a monitor, keyboard, or mouse, so you'll have to scavenge them from the PC you're replacing. But it's cute cute cute. And cheap. I'll be very interested to see if Apple picks up a ton of market share this year. It would be good for everyone if they did. It would more than likely help the Linux market as well - once people realize that using another operating system is easy, there might be no turning back.

Jason in Egypt commented:
I can just picture walking into an Internet cafe' with one of these, then plugging into one of their monitors, grabbing a keyboard, and connecting to their DSL connection (wireless or otherwise). That could happen in Egypt. Too bad these types of places aren't popular in the U.S., so people will still need to have their own display and keyboard...
on Fri Jan 14 11:19:17 2005

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