Some random statistics: percent of people in the United States age 15 and over with a BA (four year college degree): 25 percent. With an MA (six year college degree): 9 percent. With a PhD: 1 percent.

Some even crazier statistics: percentage of people age 16 and over who have a BA or above but don't have a job: 24 percent. Percentage in the population as a whole: 38 percent. Percentage of those with less than a BA: 43 percent.

This all stems from a conversation a couple weeks back where someone told me that only 4 percent of people have an MA or above. I thought that sounded dubious, so I went to look (which reminds me: Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Educational Attainment in the United States: 2004). The speaker was both right and wrong - if we look at total population, which is very close to 300 million, the percentage is lower - about 3 percent of the population. But if we look only at the adult population, which I think was more what we had in mind during the conversation, it's a much higher number.

Worth noting: I thought about throwing out people under 18, but doing so would have eliminated the approximately 4000 16- and 17-year-olds who have BAs. Who knew?

Erik commented:
I wonder if the numbers are somewhat surprising because of our own experiences and the company we keep. You have your Master's and I am one semester away from one, plus several of our friends also have or are pursuing advanced degrees. Similarly, because we have many academic contacts, we know a lot of additional people with PhDs. People in our various workplaces may have had additional degrees, quite likely an MBA; international workers may come in with their own advanced degrees (it seemed to be common at my last job). So our own experience is somewhat skewed.
on Wed May 17 11:58:01 2006

Nikki commented:
I have to agree with Erik... we are all far too pretentious for our own goods. Ok, so Erik didn't really say that, I used my powers of, um, whatever the hell it is called to come to that skewed interpretation.
on Thu May 18 00:03:36 2006

David commented:
Oh - at no point did I suggest that I was not overeducated - I'm merely pointing out that quite nearly one in ten adults are overeducated. I find the numbers ridiculously high - honestly, do we -need- that much education? Do we need 75 million BAs and 30 million MAs clogging up a system composed primarily of jobs anyone could do?
on Thu May 18 04:31:40 2006

David commented:
Whoops - fell afoul of my own stats - that should be 27 million and 11 million....
on Thu May 18 04:32:42 2006

Nikki commented:
Heh heh... I see all the higher education is paying off, counting-wise and all.
on Fri May 19 01:24:28 2006

David commented:
Test comment - I'm trying to make sitemeter read the comment posting process.
on Mon May 29 23:49:13 2006

David commented:
Another test comment - I'm trying to make sitemeter read the comment posting process.
on Mon May 29 23:51:11 2006

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