I've been a little less bloggy than usual, and I blame my job. I actually came home yesterday in such a bad mood that I turned in directly. I've been fighting with legacy applications, trying to figure out why random program A, which is badly documented to begin with (because the open source movement, or at least the bits I work with, seems incapable of doing documentation), has been customised beyond recognition - also with little or no documentation.

I also seem to have been cursed with something many people would kill for - the job that is exactly in line with their interests. When I work on websites all day, I come home and think 'I would like to do anything but work on websites'. So I do. Which means I need a new hobby. Perhaps this job will drive me to finally get better at making music...?

Nikki commented:
Hunh, glad I'm not the only one... what is it with no documentation and everything in open source?
on Fri Apr 28 00:37:25 2006

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