Vista, et al.

I was surprised this evening to see that the first service pack for Microsoft's new Vista operating system has been released. It's installing as I type this, so if all goes quiet for a while, you'll know it's because my computer stopped working after it was installed. Maybe now the operating system will cease to suck (as much).

Speaking of which, did you all notice it was the 10th anniversary of the Monica Lewinsky / Bill Clinton thing? According to wikipedia, the famous 'I did not have sex with that woman' speech was on the 26th of January, 1998.

Derek (Erb) commented:
"released"? I believe you're referring to Service Pack 1 RC (Release Candidate) as in... the latest beta version!

Ah Monica and Bill... a decade already? I remember spending years trying to explain, with great difficulty, why this matter was even relevant to the American public let alone important and vital!

on Tue Jan 22 10:31:19 2008

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