giving stuff away

A nice lazy weekend, for the most part. I got to visit a friend, laze about, do some shopping, and generally relax. I also managed to dispose of three computers over the weekend, listing two on ebay, and giving one away. The one I gave away, an old imac, was sorta funny. I used freecycle, and I posted the message at 2:48pm, according to the official yahoo clock. At 2:55 I had two messages, by 3:01 I had five, etc. The first person in (by seconds) took it away this afternoon. And now we can have our laundry room back!

Jason commented:
Gotta love Freecycle! I've given away some stuff and I'm also getting a table through it to use in my new condo.
on Mon Aug 20 17:01:43 2007

Nikki commented:
Thanks for the FreeCycle suggestion, too, btw... I got rid of the grill, a bunch of other stuff and hopefully the tables this week, too!
on Tue Aug 21 18:32:51 2007

David commented:
FreeCycle is the best darned site for cleaning your house before you move! We used it in Paris with great success!
on Wed Aug 22 17:12:11 2007

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