halloween redux

Halloween went without a hitch, excepting the rain that made the trick-or-treaters stay away in droves. We realized as the night wore on that we were in danger of getting stuck with the massive quantities of chocolate we had purchased, so we started actually letting the children help themselves, which, if you've ever done it, is a sure way to get rid of lots of chocolate. Sasha actually had a one kid nearly hurt themselves scrabbling for chocolate she had dropped because it wouldn't all fit in her hands at once. Once the kids were more or less done (we actually had a group of ten or so show up as we were heading out the door), we headed over to the 'tower of terror' party in our group costume - Sasha as Sarah Palin, me as Todd Palin, and Jeff as a moose (the moose may have been dead, or maybe it was like Cheney, and we didn't have time to hunt for real, so we brought a tame moose to hunt - I'm not sure). There was a second Palin at the party, but she had gone the distance and had 'President Palin' sewn into the lining of her jacket. Very scary. The photo on the left is our kitten waiting for trick-or-treaters (or at least, waiting for the door to open), and on the right, of course, are our costumes. I didn't mean to have a bottle in my hand when the photo was taken, but it does sorta fit the character, doesn't it?

Anonymous commented:

so who hunted the moose?


sarah(not palin)

on Mon Nov 3 18:19:20 2008

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