magic night

Quite a busy weekend. I went to a Magic: the Gathering tournament Friday night, then drove over to Kalamazoo to see my folks and friends, then back to Ann Arbor Sunday for various this 'n thats.
I started my new Japanese class last Thursday, and it is going to kick my butt - I thought a community education class would be a little less hard-core than it is. So I need to get with the serious studying sooner, rather than later. Sadly, finding the book is proving more difficult than expected. It seems everyone wants book one, but nobody makes it to book two.
Anonymous commented:
Let's see if i break it when I log in anonymously. And damn, I didn't realize people were still playing magic the gathering. I mean, I've seen the cards, but never actually seen anyone actually playing the game. What edition are they on these days, anyway?
on Mon May 14 14:41:12 2007

David commented:
Dude - I so blame your computer. We should get together and experiment with debugging turned on. Maybe Mara will help, since she may start using my software (heh heh).

As for magic, it seems to be on the 9th or 10th full release, with more expansions than you can count. It's amazing people still bother, but I suppose there's always new youngin's coming on the scene.

on Mon May 14 15:55:56 2007

Erik commented:
The kids who grow up playing Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh card games and like the systems but want something more might be helping Magic stay alive. It might no longer be a craze, but it's established, and I doubt it's going away anytime soon. As for JBP volume 2, I saw it in the wild a few times when I bought my copy. New editions have been published since then, which might explain some of the difficulty of finding one.
on Tue May 15 06:45:15 2007

David commented:
Sigh. You people and your constant finding of the holes in my system of blog comments. Ah well - I'm hoping to have some serious time this weekend to fiddle with it. As for magic, it seems to have settled in to a sort of steady state. New people come in, old ones go out, but it seems to have settled at about the same number of players as World of Warcraft. Regarding the Japanese book, I ordered it and hopefully will have it in my hands by this evening.
on Tue May 15 09:42:14 2007

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