the sims

Sasha acquired a copy of The Sims 2 for her birthday yesterday, and boy, is it a timewaster. I now understand why she said if she had the game she would never finish her PhD!

Anonymous commented:
yeah, Issa can lose whole days to the Sims, every now and then. They come out with just enough expansions, etc., that it can rejuvenate the experience of playing. Hey, speaking of time holes, I've found a program that allows people to play Twilight Imperium (that big 'ole game I love so much) online. It basically duplicates the pieces of the game, and you move them around and play, save your game, come back to it, etc. If you ever wanna give it a try, I'd love to coordinate a game! -ryaN
on Mon Apr 9 17:21:59 2007

David commented:
That sounds like more fun than should be possible using a computer - you should set that up.
on Tue Apr 10 18:00:37 2007

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