kitten feels a bit better

I'm not ready to say we're completely out of the woods, but kitten does seem to be taking solid food again, so we're feeling a lot better about that. A week without solid food is a very serious amount of time though, so I'm hoping to see kitten plowing through major kibbles next week!

Anonymous commented:
I'm glad for the improvement. All best. PS: a new kitten pic at my Flickry.
on Sun Jul 15 15:32:39 2007

Shelby commented:
So glad to hear she's making progress. It's so awful to have a sick animal so it's great to hear she's moving forward. Our dogs are sending their get-well wishes, but they're kind of self-serving, since they want her to get well so they can hunt her and show her what real beagles are made of. In a nice way, of course.
on Tue Jul 17 02:17:45 2007

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