I've been fiddling around with my new camera, taking some photos with an automatic setting where it over- and under-exposes the picture in addition to the 'correct' exposure (i.e. the camera takes three pictures). Using software I can combine the three pictures to get a single picture where all the bits (both dark and light) come out. This is called 'HDR photography', and the image at right is my first go at it, which seems to look pretty ok (and tells you the sort of nature I've been seeing out here in western New York.

In addition to random nature, I've seen random personages, as Senator Harry Reid was at dinner at the hotel this evening, sitting at the table next to ours. We wouldn't have noticed him except that he asked the person taking a picture of our table for Sasha's mom to take the picture from a different angle so he wouldn't be in the picture. Interesting, n'est-ce pas?

Nikki commented:
Well, the immediate and proper reaction to that is WHO was he there with?? ANd where was he supposed to be? And where is the body? Oh, wait, wrong Senator... he failed. :)
on Sun Nov 26 10:08:24 2006

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