
What a cruel way to start our time back in the USA. We made it back last night, drolled on ourselves until it was late enough to go to bed, woke up this morning, and made coffee. Except the coffee machine sprung a leak in our absence, and thus poured 12 cups of water on the floor. At least the kitchen has been mopped.

A special shout out to Masked Owl, who was good enough to come pick us up despite the fact we forgot to ask her before we left, so the only request she got was a message on her cell phone left from Orléans the day before yesterday saying "Oh, gosh - we know this is late notice, but could you pick us up tomorrow?"

Anonymous commented:
Glad you had a good trip. By the way, speaking of overseas...here is an awesome map of how to get from Detroit to London...note item 29....

Mike Kobylarz
on Fri Mar 30 11:47:30 2007

David commented:
I'd read somewhere this happened, but I hadn't seen it. We thought about taking this route, but decided against it, in favour of something that produced more greenhouse gases.
on Fri Mar 30 23:53:27 2007

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