another week!

It's been funny, watching the way my blogging has fallen off as my Facebook/Twitter use has increased. The fact of the matter is, it's easier to post a quick 'here's what's going on' than to take the time to write something more thoughtful. Of course, each form of posting is completely different, but unfortunately they don't really go together. I think if I were re-writing my blogging software now I would include a way to subscribe to all of my updates and re-post them here. Of course, doing that would be insane in terms of the layout... I think....

It's been another quite busy week, with the local green drinks on Monday, a friend coming over to plan our spring trip, and ... well, today was quite relaxed, actually, though I do have another big day tomorrow. The job, while not actually taking much more time out of my day (I still generally leave at half past four) does require a great deal more mental energy, and I find I have less time for other things because of that. I don't mind that much, as I am enjoying the work, but I am definitely looking forward to a little time off!

Nikki commented:

In the words of Bill Maher, Twitter is for those that find blogging too formal and stuffy. But, seriously, it does change the texture of blogging. 

Anyway, I'm impressed you have a Green Drinks locally!!

on Sun Nov 15 22:29:13 2009

David commented:

I know - I was fairly impressed myself.

The thing about blogging to sites like facebook and twitter (uh, using the term 'blogging' loosely, I guess) is that it is all distributed. I already post the same photo to FB and twitter (and not really twitter - I use tweetphoto for my twitter pics). They all have social features, and create this crazy web that is privately held. What happens when that stops?

I have dreams of grabbing and archiving my various streams, but the question is, do I want/need any of them? Probably not...

on Sun Nov 15 23:46:07 2009

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