2010 is cold!

Back from my New Year's trip home to Michigan. Drove through a blizzard going and coming, along with flights on United, the airline that not only breaks guitars, it also randomly decides to take your gate checked bags and stuff them in with all the actually checked bags, then understaff the luggage people so you have to wait a half hour or more for your frickin' carry on. But I'm not bitter.

We seem to have brought serious winter weather with us, as Arkansas is in the grip of a winter storm the likes of which have never been seen before. Well, lately, anyway. Around here. I'm holding out for a snow day. If we only have an inclement weather day, where we can go in two hours late (if need be), I'll miss out as I'm scheduled to have a tooth put in tomorrow - a legacy of the Christmas trip.

holly commented:

I had missed where United later lost the united breaks guitars singer's luggage as he was on his way to speak at an airline customer service conference. They should give this guy the Up in the Air status. 

on Thu Jan 7 20:47:44 2010

David commented:

But would he want it, considering his experiences...?

on Wed Jan 13 22:31:06 2010

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