The joys of returning from an extended holiday - lots of unread email, an empty fridge, and too much unfinished business at work. It was overall a very busy day. But that said, things should settle down in the next week or so, and then I can get started on some of my big projects, or at least some medium sized ones. This week is set to be pretty hectic, with plans for tomorrow, a French class starting on Wednesday, and me headed to Memphis, Tennesee for Thursday and Friday. Thankfully I'll be back before the weekend officially begins, but it's still packed pretty tight.

Nikki commented:
Hm, I don't see your plans to come help me move in there... JUST kidding!! We do have to plan lunch sometime soon though.
on Tue Sep 26 13:05:07 2006

Heidi commented:
I'm so glad to hear that you two are back (oh, and congrats, and all, but you knew that!). My drinking habit just isn't the same without you. If you want a 'contact' in Memphis, let me know, and I'll give you Lily's (the riotously hilarious zookeeper) number.
on Wed Sep 27 03:16:54 2006

David commented:
OMG! I had forgotten the zoo keeper contact! I'll be in touch - otherwise I would probably sit in my hotel room doing Japanese (or French, I suppose) homework. How dull!
on Wed Sep 27 12:46:41 2006

Shelby commented:
I understand that you're busy but I hope you're making the snorkeling pictures a top priority ;).
on Thu Sep 28 07:56:30 2006

David commented:
They most assuredly are! I'm hoping to pick them up Friday evening, and we received the other photos (the "official" photos) in the post yesterday, so we are well on our way to having most of the pics ready to go. Maybe I can put something up this weekend!
on Thu Sep 28 20:41:01 2006

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