Our back garden

I created a panorama of our backyard this morning, to give you an idea of the space we're working with. We're hoping to convert much of it to garden space, with a few other things thrown in. The tree on the left, inside the fence, is a pear tree, and we're thinking of putting some other fruit trees near it, possibly an apple and a peach tree. I've already planted some raspberries along the back fence, and I'm hoping to do several more. Then towards the house lots of herbs, veggies, and whatever else trips our fancy.

I'm fairly certain the tree nearer the house is a magnolia tree, which will mean lots of pretty flowers in the spring. I don't anticipate putting too many flowering plants in the backyard, but it's still early days - we have years to work all this out.

Jason commented:
Very nice...great to see what it looks like!
on Tue Oct 28 12:48:16 2008

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