All the Canadians want for christmas is an election. At least it gives you something to talk about when you're home for the holidays...

Nikki commented:
Yeah, I start talking about this, my famiy will first turn their heads and look at me strangely--that is if dad can be persuaded to look away from the big screen TV (you never know, Emeril could be on in reruns)--and then say, "Uh that's nice dear, this is why you aren't seeing anyone, isn't it? This is why I don't have grandchildren, isn't it?" At which point, my dad will be startled from the big screen TV long enough to comment on how everyone else has grandkids but him and why don't I DO something about it, comment slightly about finding myself a street corner and then we will all move onward toward another happy holiday tradition. No, dearest Dave, I will not bring up the Canadians this year :)
on Tue Nov 29 13:23:58 2005

David commented:
erm... actually, I meant it will give Canadians something to talk about over the holidays. That said, I think you should bring them up now, just to see how close to accurate your prediction is.
on Tue Nov 29 13:49:18 2005

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