Big ol' work day today - spent mostly in bed with my laptop working my way through country after country, checking the code and comparing it to the text - ask me about family benefits - anywhere in Europe! It's good to be getting it done though.

For those of you who I talked to yesterday, the interview is not in the evening - the contact person got their AMs and PMs confused. So I'll be headed in bright and early, not really, really, late.

I've got nothing at all going until Saturday night, at this point, so I'm hoping to make some serious headway on some of the work I should have been doing since September. With any luck I'll have it all polished up in time for the New Year, and then I shall start working on the next batch! Woo hoo!

Nikki commented:
Oh, how funny... if only you knew how many emails I've gotten over interview times in the last two days!! That's right, bright and early--and I'm really tough... LOL... yeah, you gotta interview with me, too.
on Thu Dec 29 22:52:25 2005

David commented:
Can we do one of those Sharon Stone interviews? The kind where you wear high heels and no underwear?
on Fri Dec 30 01:01:06 2005

Erik commented:
Checking code and comparing it to text? By code do you mean letters or acronyms or do you mean programs? If the latter, if you're comparing it to text, does that mean it's all hard-coded rather than in a database or external file? ** Good luck with your interview!
on Fri Dec 30 13:38:58 2005

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