Home! Home at last! It was a long couple of days, but I made it. Lots of coffee, lots of cookies, lots of talking, strategizing, etc. It was really good to meet all these folks, as I'll be working with many of them remotely as the year progresses. The organization is quite distributed, but seems to by and large make it work.

Our conference took place at a Marriot, owned and operated by my (other) alma mater, Eastern Michigan University. It was kind of funny, as the main draw for the hotel is a golf course, but given that it is February, we were nearly the only people in the place. Gave it a bizarre, kind of 'Shining' feel at moments....

Anonymous commented:
Thats hilarious! While we were sitting at the bar/lounge area for the tech team, I was looking at the bar and thinking it was very much like from the Shining. During our meeting I spaced out thinking about how they shot the elevator scene in which tons of blood-like substance poors down the hall. Ah yes, the pleasant thoughts of a purely sane mind, on task of course ;O)
on Mon Feb 20 21:29:19 2006

sasha commented:
Misty - quit posting anonymously. We all know it's you... ;)
on Tue Feb 21 01:05:20 2006

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