Holidays Part One

Christmas came and went, and so Sasha and I headed up to upstate New York to see her family. The first day I was there I managed to break a tooth, so the trip was somewhat marred, as I would usually be intent on the food and drink, but eating, at least, required a bit too much concentration. Hopefully this will all be fixed tomorrow.

Outside of that, it was a fun trip. We went sledding, something I've not done in years, and I don't know why, although, to be fair, Sasha's parents have the best sledding hill I've ever encountered, so that may have some influence on how much fun was had.

Now I'm playing bachelor for a few days, and I have a rather extensive list of things to do, including fixing various and sundry items about the house (our food disposal unit, for example, died) and, of course, fixing various and sundry items about me (the tooth). And there's the squirrels, who have returned with a vengeance. Argh!

Lisa Dugdale commented:

Clearly, you have to add the squirrels to the list of things to be fixed...

on Tue Dec 29 20:59:14 2009

David commented:

Ha! This is true. I've actually developed something of a system since getting back from our trip - I come home, prime the squirrel trap, go do something else. When dinner time is approaching, I head upstairs, pick up the waiting squirrel, and drive him over to Kroger's to pick up dinner. I have a squirrel dumping spot, where I hope they are all hanging out together, far away from my house!

on Tue Dec 29 21:33:14 2009

Lisa Dugdale commented:

After all that, the squirrel still picks up dinner for you at Krogers??? You really do have a system down.

on Wed Dec 30 20:33:19 2009

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