Toad Suck

Conway is gearing up for Toad Suck Daze, which will be next weekend, and the decorations are priceless. The Log Cabin Democrat (the local paper) has an insert which is full of joke-y headlines ('park in the wrong place, get toad' and the like) and advertisements. On some level I wish we had time to see it, on the other hand, I think it might be overwhelming.

Jason commented:
Is it possible to request a room now so that I can visit during Toad Suck Days 2009? *grin* I can't believe you're moving to a place that has some connections with "Toad". What are the chances? Did you know anything about this as you were researching the place?
on Tue Apr 29 08:39:37 2008

David commented:
It's total coincidence. I didn't even look at the place until Sasha was well along in the process. It's pretty exciting overall - I covet the cool t-shirts the local clothing store was selling for the event.
on Wed Apr 30 13:57:33 2008

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