I enabled anonymous comments - it still requires you typing something, but at least now you'll be able to do it. I would, of course, ask that you note your name when you leave a comment.

Anonymous commented:
This is a test comment, because I wasn't sure it had actually worked. Everyone else is free to tell me if you like this system, or would prefer something (more simple?) David
on Fri Sep 16 17:43:15 2005

Anonymous commented:
Sorry to say that it was me who pushed David to this point. I somehow could not figure out how to correctly enter my name and password and thus have never been able to post my comments, and you all are probably the better for it. But now I can comment at will! Look out!!! -Lindsay
on Fri Sep 16 19:27:32 2005

Nikki commented:
This works, since I'm sometimes a little ditzy and cannot remember what the hell I have as a password--we need more lazy, lacidasical solutions to our random thoughts and such. I mean, I have all these passwords and none of them make sense and somehow, I have to remember these, instead of important things--like what alcohol goes into a sex on the beach, or how to make pancakes. No passwords? Anarchy is bound to ensue--vive la revolution! Or maybe I'm just getting a little carried away beacuse I feel like a caged animal sitting at my desk with only an hour left before they remove the shackles and I am free to find a bartender. Either way.
on Fri Sep 16 20:49:13 2005

Anonymous commented:
Yay, thank you! I will comment all the time now, waha waha! --Misty
on Tue Sep 20 21:25:46 2005

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