I kind of feel like I put in an honest day's work today. I'm exhausted, and it isn't even the time I usually leave yet (6pm). I had to prepare all the worksheets, booklets, etc. for my workshop on Monday (which I leave for Sunday morning) in Minnesota. We had all kinds of other stuff going on, so I had to do a lot of paper pushing myself, running back and forth to the copier, etc. etc. It was crazy, but it was kind of nice to have a product at the end which didn't live on a computer. I'm looking forward to the workshop with something between optimism and fear, as I don't know how prepared I am for the type of questions that might be levelled at me. My statistics are rusty and my SPSS is even more so, so it could be a rout. But on the other hand, I feel comfortable with what I do know, and I like speaking to people, and I have other people doing the whole show with me, so it could be just fine. We'll see what happens....

Anonymous commented:
so, what is it that you do?? Sarah
on Sat Jun 17 02:11:09 2006

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